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SEO Terms

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Since this blog is starting from scratch I think a list of terms and descriptions are called for as a lot of beginners won’t know what I mean when I say things like SEO. :-)

SEO = search engine optimization

The process of ranking your sites number 1 in the search engine results pages.

SERP’s = the search engine results pages

The page Google presents to you when you search for a keyword in the search box.

Keyword = any term or phrase that you are searching for or others are searching for in the search box.

If you have a blog about “cats” then “cat” or “cat” is your main keyword. You want to rank number 1 in the search engines for that keyword in order to get traffic.

Long Tail Keywords = any keywords related to your main keyword.

“Siamese Cats” can be a long tail for your “cats” blog or it could be a main keyword for a “Siamese Cats” blog. “How to Feed Cats” would be a long tail for either blog.

PR = page rank.

A designation used only by Google to assign a value of trust to your pages. This has little relevance in ranking in the serp’s these days but a high PR page can impress people like advertisers or people looking to swap links.

Backlinks = a link pointing to your blog from another site.

The more backlinks you have the better.

Anchored Backlinks = backlinks that use your keyword (main or long tails) in the text portion of the backlink. The term “anchor” refers to the actual text used in the link.

How to Make Money with Adsense

Before I begin let’s clear something up right off the bat. For every thing I tell you to do there are exceptions to the rules depending on your niche/platform and your ability to modify and experiment. Nothing is set in stone but I am going to give you the basic guide to follow. Only you will know how your site is different and you will have to use some of your gray matter to figure out what works best in your situation. My tips will serve to get you started down the right path.

If you have questions - and I know you will - then please use the comments rather than emailing me. This will allow me to answer for everyone’s benefit and save me a lot of time. Also - please give me as much info as you can when asking questions. Don’t ask why your site is getting 2 cent clicks. I will need to know what the niche is, where your traffic is from, how much traffic, what your keywords are etc to make an informed opinion. Please try and include as much relevant info when asking for help.

Rule #1

If you are going to make money with Adsense then you build your site for that purpose. You don’t slap Adsense on an unoptimized site and expect to make much money with it.

Rule #2

Adsense works best when you drive targeted search engine traffic to your site and the visitor clicks an ad targeted to the term that the user found your site with. Or a related term.

ie. John is searching for “Adsense Tips” using a search on Google. He finds your site listed for that term. He visits and at some point he sees an Adsense ad on your site for “Adsense Tips” or “How to make money with Adsense” or “Adsense for beginners” and clicks one of the ads.

That is a targeted click. You will receive the best CPC. (cost per click or in simple terms this is the amount of money Google will pay you for the click) In this case let us say you get paid $0.50 for it.

Now Bob drops in on your site because someone (maybe you if you don’t know any better) stumbled your post on stumbleupon. Bob isn’t looking for anything - he’s just aimlessly surfing the stumble sites. He doesn’t see much that interests him but clicks on an Ad just out of curiosity. He doesn’t convert for the advertiser - why would he (but sometimes it can happen) as he is just checking things out. He spends two seconds on the advertiser’s landing page and leaves.

Bob is an untargeted click. Google will pay you $0.01 for the click.

Do not get hung up on all the variables at work here. Just understand that you want to drive as much targeted traffic to your site and avoid as much untargeted traffic as you can. You want to rank well in the search engines for as many keywords as you can that are related to your niche and you want to avoid driving traffic to your site from untargeted sources. No stumbling, digging, reddit, etc. If others do it you have no control so don’t get in a flap - it happens. Just don’t chase that traffic yourself.

Overall you will get both kinds of traffic - as long as the majority of your clicks come from targeted sources you will average a decent CPC. They will never all be perfect clicks. If the majority of your clicks end up coming from untargeted sources of traffic then eventually you will be smart priced and all you will see will be the 2 cent CPC. If that happens then pull Adsense off the site and leave it off until you can change the traffic source to more targeted visitors.

Now, before you all ask, yes you can get direct traffic from other blogs linking to you or from people bookmarking you. In general these people are interested in your site’s niche and probably have related niches. Whether they are targeted or not is usually not a concern as they will be readers and are not likely to click your ads anyway. You can have a million stumblers show up too as long as they don’t click your ads you will be fine. I am not telling you that you can’t have untargeted traffic - you can - you just don’t want them clicking ads. There are programs available that allow you the option to only show ads to search visitors. If your site has a lot of untargeted visitors then use them. I am too lazy to go find the links but I am sure some of my readers will supply them in the comments. If you are new here then you may as well learn this now - I yak a lot and my friends roll in to do the leg work. :-) I encourage it because it gives them a chance to introduce themselves and they are people you should get to know - they help me, I help them and they will help you. If you have no online friends then make friends with some of mine as they will be your best resource. Just be sure to give as much as you get.

(Don’t be shy - get involved. You will notice by the abundance of comments that I belong to a growing community of like minded folks who all help each other and are far more knowledgable than any other group you will meet online. We were all beginners at one time and we don’t mind passing along our knowledge to others - take advantage of it and pay it forward when you can.)

Rule #3

Do not click your friends ads and discourage them from clicking yours. You will get banned. Google can tell when multiple clicks come from the same IP. It is un-natural and sticks out like a sore thumb. Never ever get involved with click fraud. It is not worth it and yes - you will get caught! Yes you will… you beginners had better listen to me as you are all going to try and think of a way to inflate your clicks. DON”T!!!

Rule #4

A successful Adsense site is a site that doesn’t look like an Adsense site. No splogs. It must contain legit information and serve some purpose other than simply displaying Adsense. It is against the Adsense Terms of Service to create a site for the sole purpose of slapping Adsense on it.

How you create an Adsense site for the purpose of making money with Adsense without looking like you have just created an Adsense site for the sole purpose of making money with Adsense will be discussed in the next post. (say that 5 times fast)

Rule # 5

Everything you think you know about Adsense and SEO that you read about elsewhere is crap - even if it isn’t crap. Just because some dude wrote an ebook on either subject doesn’t mean they know jack. It just means they wrote an ebook. The people you want to listen to rank on top of the search engines and don’t write books about making money online.

They make money online.

They don’t need to make money writing an ebook.

And why should you listen to me?

Because I rank on top of the search engines for just about every “make money online” keyword you can think of. Go look.

and… I’m not selling you anything.

and… I’m just a swell guy! :-)

Why am I telling you this for free? Because I need content in order to rank on top of the search engines for even more terms and It is easy for me to write about stuff I know a lot about. I also know that only 1 in 10 of you will follow my instructions. Only 1 in 100 of you will become adept enough to knock me off my perch and when you can you won’t. You will become an ally and together we will kick more ass in more niches and make even more money. In short I want and need more friends who do what I do so that we can all help each other.

Rule # 6

The best business model I know online is to provide free information for any niche that is dominated by sites that sell the info. By providing free and legit info you will bury the competition - the traffic will come to you. And you pay for it all with… yup - Adsense.

Next post I will talk about how to set up a site, how to structure your posts, how to use adsense on the site and how to get people to click on your ads without violating Google’s terms of service.

In the meantime you should re-read rule number 6 and find a niche that meets that requirement. You can also observe how I structured this post. It is perfectly optimized for the keywords I want traffic for.

6 Steps to Choose the Right Web Hosting For You

Let's get through the considerations that you should think over in order to make sure that you get what you want for your hosting. You want to prefer the web host that is going to offer your requirement as they stand now and where they lead to in the future. Here we go:

1. Make sure you know the different kinds of hosts: shared, collocated, unmanaged dedicated, and managed dedicated. Is your website or blog brand new with small traffic? In case your website or blog is a fresh domain, you won't necessitate the raw power
of a dedicated server except your website or blog is resource exhaustive which is able to include: streaming, videos, proxies and also linking to videos too could cause a high load on Apache and the CPU(s).

2. Go for reliability, not just size. Since the host if offering you unlimited and unmetered space, does not mean you be supposed to solely base your judgment on that. What benefit is that account to you when your website or blog is down or the server is overloaded? Investigate how long the hosting business has been working. See if they have lately changed ownership, and if they show positive cash flow. I always use domaintools.com to check the domain create date, ownership and traffic before I buy.

3. The control of completely redundant data centers. If you are taking into consideration doing business with a smaller hosting vendor, make sure that they have sufficient power and connectivity capabilities. Request as to the number of lines the facility has. Do they possess an on-site generator? Does the generator get regular checks and maintenance? What is the usual utilization of the connections available?

4. How experienced is their staff? When the time you need customer service of a technical nature, you want it instantly, right? Observe the availability of their systems administrators. Send them a support ticket and observe how quick they respond.

5. Read other customer's reviews of the hosting services. Same as any business, the hosting merchant is supposed to provide good references.

6. Is the web host flexible? Your needs might change someday. Can you upgrade your web host services later on?

I Recommend YOU To Get Web Hosting Plans for just $4.95/month at Web Hosting Pad. No coupon code needed. Also get more Reliable Web Hosting at a price you can afford.

Earn Money Online Through Blogging Series - Sell Text Link Ads

Previously I have starting make money online through blogging series with paid blogging. Today I continue with this series on earn money online through blogging with selling text link ads in your blog. I have sell a link in my PR4 site privately, I will get at least $15 per month just for a link.

We also know that google hate blogs or website selling text link ads, but you can sell for no follow links. If you really wanna make money online through blogging, you don't bother too much about that.

1. Text Link Ads –This is my number one best link sellers that I use for many years. When you try to get approval for your blog, the main criteria that they concern is PR. Below are some tips for you to get your first link sold:

a) Put your links on your blogs where mostly everyone can see after your blog finish load, or you can place it on the top and close to your blog posts

b) Ensure your blog got high Page Rank

c) Massive traffic on your blog is as well an extra selling point for links.

My blog is selling links for $12.50 per link each month. TLA will get 50% of the profit. You also can make money from referral, you get pay for $25 each advertiser or publisher who has successfully signed up.

You be able to join Text Link Ads by click on this link.

Other than Text Link Ads, you also recommend to join with LinkXL, Text Link Brokers, LinkWorth, Direct Link Ads, LinkAdage, TNX.net or offer selling links in forums.

Track Adsense Performance with Multiple Channels

“Track Adsense Performance with Multiple Channels” - the easiest way to improve your Adsense earning. But, there are still many bloggers who don’t know how to track their Adsense performance with multiple channels. Adsense actually offers two kinds of channels:

URL Channels - We use these to track domain, sub-domain and page-specific Adsense performance. For example, you can track which page in your blog make the highest earning from Adsense by giving each page a specific URL channel.

Custom Channels - We use these to track Adsense ads in different ad units or different ad position. For example, if you have two Adsense ad units in a page, you can track each ad unit by giving each ad unit a specific custom channel.

For those who don’t know how to implement these features in their blogs, I strongly recommend them to read this tutorial on how to optimize your Adsense earning with channels.

Since Adsense Help Centre already provide you such a good tutorial, so it is useless for me to teach you again about these features here. But, do remember that you can only create up to 100 active ad channels at the same time.

Besides, I advise you try to use different color templates every month for the Adsense ads in your blog. You must know that different color templates have different CTR. So, it is better for you to change your Adsense color template frequently until you find a color template with the highest CTR.

Furthermore, you should also try different ad positions in your blog too. Different ad position will come out with different CTR too. So, try every possible ad position until you find the most suitable( high CTR and not-annoying to readers ) one for you.

Latest Google Adsense Top Paying Adsense Keywords

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Latest Google Adsense Top Paying Adsense Keywords.

$55.21 federal loan consolidation
$54.90 mesothelioma diagnosis
$54.82 private loan consolidation
$53.96 car insurance quote online
$53.68 bad credit equity loan
$53.38 abdominal mesothelioma
$52.99 cash settlement
$52.98 student loan consolidation programs
$52.84 student loan consolidation calculator
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$51.30 mesothelioma lawyers
$51.30 life quote
$51.26 auto quote
$50.62 www mesothelioma
$50.35 mesothelioma
$50.04 consolidate loans
$41.48 equity loan rates
$41.44 bad credit mortgages
$41.42 whole life insurance quote
$41.41 chase credit cards
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$41.03 nj auto insurance
$40.93 student loan consolidation center
$40.74 refinancing mortgage
$40.54 fort worth dwi
$40.43 federal criminal attorney
$40.41 botox training
$40.34 mortgage loans
$40.13 whole life quote
$40.11 refinancing
$40.08 direct loan consolidation
$40.04 causes of mesothelioma

$49.78 insurance quote
$48.97 instant insurance quote
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$82.92 austin dwi
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$65.44 term life quote
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$63.17 term insurance quote
$62.25 federal consolidation
$61.15 consolidate student loan
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$58.89 consolidation loan rate
$58.71 consolidation of student loans
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$57.38 life insurance quote online
$57.31 private student loan consolidation
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$57.14 consolidation loan
$56.58 the lasik vision institute
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$55.82 insurance quotes
$55.34 life insurance quote

(These keywords and estimated Avg. CPC may vary time to time as per advertisers bid on particular adsense keywords).

Link Popularity - Linking Strategy – Website Linking

Link Popularity - Linking Strategy – Website Linking

Link Popularity or link building is the most important criteria in search engines algorithms to get high rankings in major search engines.

However, it’s not important that how many numbers of links are pointing towards your site, but how many quality and related links are pointing towards your site. Search engines give more importance to the sites that has good quality links even they are less in numbers apart from other sites who has thousands of links but worthless and less important.

For Example,

Your site is about “designer shoes”. You searched the net and looked for links which comes from any themed sites. After sometime you got 50 links, but 40 are coming from different theme sites, and they have nothing to do with “designer shoes”. Search Engines wants to see links from related sites and give more importance to them. So when they will check your back links they will find more irrelevant links pointing towards your site then relevant so, they will discount those not related links.

That's why you have to get more related and search engine friendly links pointing to your site.

Always try to link with high Page Rank sites. Page Rank is how google score importance of page. It gives all pages a mark out of ten (10). You can download Google Toolbar from here http://toolbar.google.com/

Following are some examples and methods of generating good links towards your site.

Oneway Links

Oneway links are those links which points directly towards your site and you don’t need to reciprocate links with the site who has given you this link.

There are various methods of getting Oneway links some are written below :

  • Directory submissions
  • Article Submission Directories
  • Buying one way links
  • Creating blogs and linking them with your site
  • Link bagging
  • Creating good content or informative sites so that people link back to you.
  • Bookmarking sites
  • Social Media site links
  • Writing comments on others webblogs
  • Creating RSS feeds
  • Replying in online forums of your related niche
  • Newsletter distribution
  • Link where your competitors are linking

Reciprocal Link Building

In this type of link building webmasters reciprocate links on each others websites. For example if “A” gives a link to B’s sites, in reply “B” also gives link to “A’s” sites on any of her pages. This is also called link exchange.

  1. Now it’s difficult for you to manually search for link partners of your category, which will give you more weightage in search engine rankings.
  2. There are many reciprocal linking sites are there, where one can get many reciprocal partners for link exchange. I am providing you a list of free reciprocal link exchange sites where you can exchange links with categorized list of link partners.
  3. The sites I tried and recommend here are:
    1. http://www.linkexchanged.com/
    2. http://www.linkpartners.com/
    3. http://linksmanager.com/

    Three Way Link Building

    This also one type of reciprocal link building, but in this case you don’t have to give a link back on your site to your link partner but on any other third party site. For example “A” gives a link to “B” on his page, and for reciprocating “B” posts “A’s” link on “C’s” page.

      1. This method is used for getting link partners and save own site’s page rank.
      2. This is very useful method and many sites provide this service for free, you just have to register and follow their guidelines.
      3. You can get some good three way links from http://www.3waylinks.net.

      Thus by doing link building one can achieve higher search engine rankings and drive more traffic to his site.

Website Search Engine Optimization

Website Search Engine Optimization

I will guide you through how to get search engine traffic to your site. Getting traffic through search engine optimization on your website is one of the best and free methods. It’s also one of the major and targeted ways of getting online traffic.

For getting search engine traffic and rank in major search engines, first you have to do on page optimization of your pages, in other words creating proper Html structure of your site pages. This is one of the basic and most important techniques in search engine optimization. For optimizing your pages for search engines, the following points are very important.

Website Search Engine Optimization of Your Tags

Optimize three Html tags in they are:

  1. Title Tag
  2. Meta Description Tag
  3. Meta Keywords Tag

These tags should be present in all of your pages with the targeted keyword in it. You should have to mentions your targeted keyword in them at least once and not more then twice. Please don’t repeat keywords in them as search engine can ban your site for this reason.

For example, if you are optimizing a page for “abdominal exercise”. Your opening HTML Code may look like this:

<strong>Abdominal Exercises</strong> – Tips for fat people
abdominal exercises and loose fat”>

abdominal exercises, get fit, loose fat”>

The Other Important Tags

The Header Tags:

  • Many search engines pay special attention on what you have inside your header tags. For example you should have to write most important headline inside

    tag, The second most important in

    , and so on.

For above example, your

tag should contain...........

Abdominal exercise for Fat people


tag should come very close to your tag.

Search Engine Optimization Of Your Body

    The body or the content part:

  • Try to keep and repeat your targeted keyword in first 200 words of your content.
  • Try to bold them or underline them whenever needed.

Make Your Website Search Engine Friendly

  • Don’t use too many flash on your site.
  • Don’t use JavaScript on your pages.
  • These languages may look decent in looking of your page but search engine may hinder reading your content.
  • Even though some search engines like Google are getting better at reading JavaScript code, it’s still best to use simple html.

Validate Your HTML Code

  • Please read our How To Do W3C Validation Of Your Code to validate your html code.

Don’t Use Frames On Your Website

Search engine crawlers can’t read the content inside your frames. So if you are using them, you are playing with our search engine rankings.

Use Targeted Keywords In Your Internal Hyperlinks

  • Use your targeted keywords in your site navigation, or whenever you are linking to your internal pages. This will lead to higher page rank for your targeted phrase and page.
  • For example if you are linking to a “arm exercise” page within your site, instead of using “click here to open the page” use “view arm exercise page here”.

Use Targeted Keywords In Your File Name

  • When you are naming your pages, it’s important to use targeted keyword in your file name for that page.
  • For example for “arms exercise” page, instead of using “page2.html” use “arm-exercises.html”.

Using Blog Templates

  • Today webmasters are using Blog templates to make there niche sites. This format helps them using many utilities of Blog.
  • You can have some good Blog templates from wordpess.com and blogger.com.

Check Keyword Density Of Your Page

  1. Always check the keyword density of our page that means that how many times a keyword has been repeated on your page.
  2. Check them and try to keep them to certain amount of percent as they may lead to a keyword Cloaking.

Increase Website Traffic - Free Website Traffic

Increase Website Traffic - Free Website Traffic

If you need to earn profit from your site through Adsense, you need to get traffic to your site. From following points you can get good number of traffic without investing much amount of money.

Always keep in mind that the traffic can not be generated overnight, and you have to give your time to your site. Those who sells you thousands of visitors packages are either liers or just giving you just traffic. This traffic is no where targeted.

I am going to tell you the best practices in the Search Marketing World to build long term traffic to your site.

No one here will let you know about the hidden secret of making and “Adsense Umpire”. The best you can get from others will be a five page site, costing you thousands of dollars, and a few traffic generating tips and that’s it.

No one here will let you know about the hidden secret of making an “Adsense Umpire”. The best you can get from others will be a five page site, costing you thousands of dollars, and a few traffic generating tips and that’s it.

1) On page Optimization
2) Make your site search engine friendly (don’t over rule search engine rules)

3) Submit site to search engines.
4) Submit your site to major and important directories
5) Link popularity – Oneway and Reciprocal links – Avoid Link Farms
6) Write Articles and submit your articles to article directory
7) Email Marketing
8) Auto responder marketing
9) Blog Marketing
10) RSS Feeds
11) Create Forums And Massage Boards
12) Social Media Optimization – Book Mark, Tell a friend, Digg News
13) Give Something to your customer (ebook)
14) Get your customers reviews - Start poll on your site
15) Get paid visitors – Arbitrage
16) Always refresh your contents

If you follow this simple tips you will be able to good number of targeted traffic as well as good chances of clicking of you Adsense ads.

Make Money With Google Adsense

Make Money With Google Adsense

You are at the right place to learn about how to make money with Google Adsense?

The purpose of creating this website was to give you all the right and related information about making money with Adsense. Here you will learn to make money with adsense.

In today's internet world everyone is looking to make money online. Some knows this and some has heard it but does not know how to do it. Some knows that Google Adsense is one of the source of making money but don't know how to practically do it and earn money with adsense.

Let me clear one more thing here that many people type ad sense instead of adsense. The correct word is "adsense" and not "ad sense"

Well Let me tell you their are various affiliates and advertisers are their on the internet but no advertising programme is as powerful and succesful as Google Adsense. Infact Anyone can make money with adsense. Read further to know how one can really make good money with Google Adsense.

Google Adsense is an easiest and fastest way for any web site to make money by displaying relevant, text or image ads by Google Adwords (Google's own advertisement programme) and receiving share for pay per click by advertisers on Google. Its way better in comparison to other advertising programme or affiliates as it display's very relevant advertising on your site and your visitors would be looking for similar kind of advertises, hence the chances of clicking this Adsense advertise increases.

I am not discouraging any other advertising programmers but Google Adsense is by far most trusted and good way of making money online.

How Google Does It? And What is His Benefit?

Google Adwords is Google's advertising programme where websites owners advertise their site and pay for this cause. Let me explain this thing to you. When you search Google.com for any keyword, you see some "Sponsored Links" which appear at the right hand side of the screen, which is, related to the keyword you searching for. Advertisers pay a predetermined amount to Google for every time their ad gets clicked. Now Google gives you opportunity to display these advertise on your site and earn share of revenue from it.

This is Google Adsense.

No Matter what your site, blog, portal, forum is all about, you can make money with Google Adsense by displaying their ads.

Now what’s the benefit of Google in doing so?

Why Google is taking money from their advertisers and paying this to you? What is his benefit in it?

Let us answer this here....

Google is smart, since their ads are published on more sites on internet (apart from just Google search engine) they will get more exposure and Google Adwords advertisers fund will be used fast. As Google charges them every time they get clicked or get page impression on your site. So you are helping Google to share the revenue, which is coming from their Adwords advertisers.

Which Category You Fall In For Building Adsense Site For Income?

When you decide to make Adsense Empire you fall in these major categories.

  • Make 50 sites and earn 2$ each day from them.
  • Make 2 Websites and make 50$ from each one per day.
  • Or you have an existing site and target Adsense ads on it.

In most of the cases, people end up in between. Maintaining 50 sites raises content, marketing, and management issues. And 2 sites don’t do well because of lack of information about search engine marketing, market trends etc. Existing site holders dont know how to mix these ads with their content.

Now you have to make your mind that in which direction you want to go.

Which Type Of Site Can Be Made For Generating Adsense Profit?

Once you have decided to make a website or multiple websites, now decide what information or subject will it cater to. A niche or a general one.

We will advice you to go for a niche website, as this will give you more targeted ads from Adsense, and you should write a good content for it, which will help you in many ways.

If you have an existing site please see how to get started with Adsense.

Newbeis, Find a niche on which you will enjoy to write, never know this niche makes you the unique one in the lot. Just make sure using Google Adwords tool, that this niche is going to give some related Advertisements from Google AdSense that you can get good Click Trough Rates.

Why Google Adsense Is Reliable?

What is really good about Google is:-

  1. It is simple to sign up, create your account, post the ads and let them work.
  2. Their ads matches with your content, hence visitors are attracted towards them. As they are text ads and have appealing and punching lines so they have more chances of hit.
  3. Google Adwords advertisers database have almost all the categories of businesses no matter how unique your content is you will have related ads on your site. If in case Google unable to provide you targeted ads they will provide you option to display a default ad of your choice.
  4. Google does all the relationship acts with you after you sign up; you don't have to worry about maintaining advertiser relationship.
  5. Google Adsense team ensures that no inappropriate ads display on your pages.
  6. Google gives you tips to improve your earnings.
  7. It also helps you with his analytics details that how many visits were there on your page or ad.
  8. It is well known and for all. Whether you are new or old. Famous or not famous
  9. Google Adsense team is there to help you in any situation. They have their own discussion forum where you can post your questions, and get answers in less then hour or so.
  10. You don’t have to chase advertisers; they come to you..
  11. Ongoing ads, they will never dry up.
  12. Ads automatically adjust with your page content.
  13. And the brand with whom you are advertising “Google”. Name does matter, isn’t it?

No other Advertising programme is as successful as Adsense.

How To Get Started With Google Adsense & Make Adsense Account?

  1. Just don't make a site for Adsense sake. Now when you sign up, you have to show Google Adsense your website, weblog on which you will paste Adsense ads. Google Adsense team will visit your site or weblog, if they find copied content, too many advertisements, your site hosted on free hosting services, copied design or anything unethical on your site, they will not approve your Adsense account. So try to be original, and write good content and don't do any unethical term to violate search engine or Adsense team to remove you.
  2. If you get approved you will receive one email from Adsense team that your site is approved and now you can post Adsense ads on your site or blog.
  3. Once you get approved you can post from many Adsense code available in Google Adsense. There are many products to choose from.
    • a) Adsense For Content: These types of ads display ads that are targeted to your site's unique content.
    • b) Adsense For Search: This types of ads allows you to provide Google or your site search to your site visitors, and if by searching from your site visitor goes to Google and click on any pondered links you get paid for it.
    • c) Referral Ads: This ad is being given to you when you reach certain amount in your Adsense account.

This adsense video will help you as an adsense tutorial and tell you how to adsense.

How To Get Traffic on your site For More Adsense Profits?

If you want to earn profit from your site through adsense, you have to get traffic to your site. From the following points you can get good number of traffic without investing a great deal of money.

Always keep in mind that the traffic cannot be generated overnight, and you have to give your time to your site.

We are going to tell you the best practices in the Search Marketing World to build long term traffic to your site.

  • On page Optimization
  • Make your site search engine friendly (don’t over rule search engine rules)
  • Submit site to search engines.
  • Submit your site to major and important directories
  • Link popularity – Oneway and Reciprocal links – Avoid Link Farms
  • Write Articles and submit your articles to article directory
  • Email Marketing
  • Auto responder marketing
  • Blog Marketing
  • RSS Feeds
  • Create Forums And Massage Boards
  • Social Media Optimization – Book Mark, Tell a friend, Digg News
  • Give Something to your customer (for example - ebook, software etc.)
  • Get your customers reviews - Start poll on your site
  • Get paid visitors – Arbitrage, PPC, Adwords
  • Always refresh your contents

Some more Important Points to be looked on;

  • Look at your keywords, which you have targeted, are they really useful and traffic driven keywords? Check it in different keywords tools like Google Adwords, inventory overture etc.
  • Bring more traffic and gain search engine rankings by building some good one way links to your site.
  • Increase your click through (CTR) rate with best ads. According to me the ads in your content (336×280 large rectangle) has the highest paying ad group. Skyscraper ads (728 Leader Board) also do well in you right site navigation. Try to focus one topic at one page so you will get relevant ads and your CTR will increase.
  • Monitor your ads group. See which ad is doing well for you. Change the position of your ads till you get satisfied CTR.
  • Add more keyword rich pages to your sites, which will increase the traffic as well as your earning through Google Adsense. Write content with high CTR pages so that you get higher rates even clicks rate are low. You can see Adwords Keyword Tool for high CTR keywords.
  • Keep Your Google Adsense at the top of your page and mix it with layout so the link's aren't recognize as ad's but hyperlink to other pages on your site. Make sure the links are relevant to your site. It has more chances to click and Adsense profit will increase.
  • If you are using adsense on Login protected pages, you can tell Adsense to crawl your content using their Site Authentication Feature.

Google’s AdSense


Adsense-BlogsWhen I survey bloggers about the methods that they use to make money from their blogs Google’s AdSense is always the number one response. It is a quick and easy way for bloggers of all sizes to display ads that are relevant to their content.

AdSense is a ‘contextual’ advertising program where publishers simply add a piece of code to their blogs that helps Google analyze what your page is about so they can serve ads on that topic. This increases the chances of your readers clicking the ad which increases the chances that you’ll earn something from them.

AdSense also provide a variety of other income streams to bloggers including a site search tool (you make money by people searching your site) and referral tools (where you can make money by recommending Google products).

AdSense is how I earn around 35% of my income as a full time blogger and I would thoroughly recommend it as a way of monetizing a blog - especially for those just starting out.

If you’re not already an AdSense publisher sign up for it using the following button.

How do bloggers make money from blogs?

How do bloggers make money from blogs?

How-Bloggers-Make-MoneyI’ve been reflecting this week about the amazing diversity of opportunities that are opening up for bloggers to make money from blogging.

I’ve long advised that bloggers seeking to make money from blogging spread their interests across multiple revenue streams so as not to put all their eggs in one basket.

The wonderful thing is that this is becoming easier and easier to do 2005 has seen many options opening up. I thought I’d take a look at some of the methods that bloggers are currently using to make money through blogs.

Income Streams for Bloggers - How to Make Money Blogging

Advertising Programs - Perhaps the most obvious changes in the past few months have been with the addition of a variety of viable advertising options for bloggers looking to make money from their blogs. The most common way bloggers seem to earn money online is via the contextual ad program from Google - Adsense. A more recent addition that many are using successfully are Chitika’s eMiniMalls and WidgetBucks, Text Link Ads.

Azoogle Ads, Intelli Txt, DoubleClick, Tribal Fusion, Adbrite, Clicksor, AdHearUs, Kanoodle, Pheedo, TextAds, Bidvertiser, Fastclick and Value Click (to name just some of the options) and there is a smorgasbord of options. Of course there is more to come with MSN Adcenter and YPN both in beta testing and with a variety of other advertising system currently in development (YPN is only available to US publishers).

Lastly there’s BlogAds - one of the first blog specific ad networks.

RSS Advertising - The past 12 months have seen some advances in RSS Advertising also. I’m yet to hear of any bloggers making big money blogging through it to this point - but as improvements are made to the ad programs exploring this I’m sure we’ll start to see examples of it being profitable.

Sponsorship - In addition to the array of advertising programs that are available to join there is a growing awareness in the business of the value and opportunity that exists for them to advertise directly on blogs. I’m hearing more and more examples of this and have been fortunately to have a couple of ad campaigns of my own in the past month - one with Adobe a couple of weeks ago and another just completed with Ricoh for a new digicam over at my Digital Camera Blog. These are not isolated cases - as I say I know of many blogs exploring sponsorship with advertisers at present and suspect we’ll see more of it in the year ahead. Sponsorship is also happening on a post by post basis with some bloggers being paid to write on certain topics by companies - either in one off or a regular fashion - and they are able to make big money from their blogs doing so.

Affiliate Programs - There are larger affiliate programs like Amazon, Linkshare, Clickbank and Commission Junction but also literally thousands of others from the large to the very small.

Digital Assets - Increasing numbers of bloggers have been developing other digital assets to support and add revenue streams to their blogs. By this I mean that I’m increasingly seeing e-books, courses and tele-seminars being run by bloggers. My recent foray into this with the first series of the six figure blogging course that Andy and I ran a few weeks ago and have just released the study version of. This type of activity will only increase in future - in fact this week I’ve seen numerous examples of bloggers running courses.

Blog Network Opportunities - with the rise in popularity of Blog Networks - bloggers are also being presented with more places to earn an income from their blogging - by writing for and with others. While it might be difficult to get a writing gig with one of the bigger networks - there are plenty who are always asking for new bloggers to join and who are willing to pay bloggers using a variety of payment models. While there are distinct advantages of blogging for yourself - blogging for an established network who will handle a lot of the set up/promotion/admin/SEO etc has it’s advantages also. More and more bloggers are combining writing for themselves on their own blogs with taking on blog network blogs as additional income streams.

Business Blog Writing Opportunities - as blogging has risen in it’s profile as a medium more and more businesses are starting blogs. Many of these companies have internal staff take on blogging duties - but an increasing number of them are hiring specialist bloggers to come on and run their blogs. I know of a number of bloggers who in the past month or two have been approached for such paid work. Check out Bloggers for Hire if you’re looking for this type of work.

Non Blogging Writing Opportunities - Also becoming more common are bloggers being hired to write in non blogging mediums. Manolo’s recent coup of a column in the Washington Post is just one example of this as bloggers are increasingly being approached to write for newspapers, magazines and other non blog websites. Along side this is the rise of bloggers as published book authors - this is to the extent that one blogger I spoke with this week complained to me that they were one of the few bloggers than they knew who didn’t have a book deal!

Donations - Tip Jars and donation buttons have been a part of blogging for years now but this last year saw a number of bloggers go full time after fund raising drives. Perhaps the most high profile of these was Jason Kottke of kottke.org who through the generosity of his readership was able to quit his job and become a full time blogger.

Flipping Blogs - Also more common in 2005 was the practice of ‘Blog Flipping’ - or selling of blogs. This has happened both on an individual blog level (I can think of about 20 blogs that sold this year) but also on a network level (the most obvious of these being the 8 figure sale of Weblogs Inc to AOL).

Merchandising - My recent attempt to sell ProBlogger.net T-shirts wasn’t a raging success, but it is an example of how an increasing number of bloggers are attempting to make a few extra dollars from their blogs by selling branded products through programs like Cafepress. While I didn’t have a lot of success with merchandising - quite a few larger blogs are seeing significant sales - especially blogs with a cult following. I’m not at liberty to discuss details - but I know of one largish blog which will see sales over $20,000 in merchandise for the calendar year of 2005.

Consulting and Speaking - While it has been popular for established consultants to add blogs to their businesses we’re also starting to see bloggers with no consulting background able to make money by charging readers for their time in consulting scenarios BECAUSE of the profile that their blogs have built them. Blogging has the ability to establish people as experts on niche topics and we all know the value of being perceived as an expert. I spoke to one blogger last month who charges himself out at over $200 an hour for speaking and consulting work - his area of expertise was something that he knew little about 18 months ago - but through his blog he’s become a leader in his field and a minor celebrity in his industry.

As time rolls on there are more and more ways that bloggers make money from their blogs opening up. Feel free to suggest your own ideas and experiences in comments below.


Friday, July 3, 2009

Assuming you feel qualified to take on the challenge of generating income from blogging (and I haven’t scared you away yet), the three most important things you need to monetize your blog are traffic, traffic, and traffic.

Just to throw out some figures, last month (April 2006), this site received over 1.1 million visitors and over 2.4 million page views. That’s almost triple what it was just six months ago.

Why is traffic so important? Because for most methods of online income generation, your income is a function of traffic. If you double your traffic, you’ll probably double your income (assuming your visitor demographics remain fairly consistent). You can screw almost everything else up, but if you can generate serious traffic, it’s really hard to fail. With sufficient traffic the realistic worst case is that you’ll eventually be able to monetize your web site via trial and error (as long as you keep those visitors coming).

When I first launched this blog, I knew that traffic building was going to be my biggest challenge. All of my plans hinged on my ability to build traffic. If I couldn’t build traffic, it was going to be very difficult to succeed. So I didn’t even try to monetize my site for the first several months. I just focused on traffic building. Even after 19 months, traffic building is still the most important part of my monetization plan. For my current traffic levels, I know I’m undermonetizing my site, but that’s OK. Right now it’s more important to me to keep growing the site, and I’m optimizing the income generation as I go along.

Traffic is the primary fuel of online income generation. More visitors means more ad clicks, more product sales, more affiliate sales, more donations, more consulting leads, and more of whatever else that generates income for you. And it also means you’re helping more and more people.

With respect to traffic, you should know that in many respects, the rich do get richer. High traffic leads to even more traffic-building opportunities that just aren’t accessible for low-traffic sites. On average at least 20 bloggers add new links to my site every day, my articles can easily surge to the top of social bookmarking sites like del.icio.us, and I’m getting more frequent requests for radio interviews. Earlier this year I was featured in USA Today and in Self Magazine, which collectively have millions of readers. Journalists are finding me by doing Google searches on topics I’ve written about. These opportunities were not available to me when I was first starting out. Popular sites have a serious advantage. The more traffic you have, the more you can attract.

If you’re intelligent and web savvy, you should also be able to eventually build a high-traffic web site. And you’ll be able to leverage that traffic to build even more traffic.

Web savvy

What do I mean by web savvy? You don’t need to be a programmer, but you need a decent functional understanding of a variety of web technologies. What technologies are “key” will depend on the nature of your blog and your means of monetization. But generally speaking I’d list these elements as significant:

  • blog publishing software
  • blog comments (and comment spam)
  • RSS/syndication
  • feed aggregators
  • pings
  • trackbacks
  • full vs. partial feeds
  • blog carnivals (for kick-starting your blog’s traffic)
  • search engines
  • search engine optimization (SEO)
  • page rank
  • social bookmarking
  • tagging
  • contextual advertising
  • affiliate programs
  • traffic statistics
  • email

Optional: podcasting, instant messaging, PHP or other web scripting languages.

I’m sure I missed a few due to familiarity blindness. If scanning such a list makes your head spin, I wouldn’t recommend trying to make a full-time living from blogging just yet. Certainly you can still blog, but you’ll be at a serious disadvantage compared to someone who’s more web savvy, so don’t expect to achieve stellar results until you expand your knowledge base.

If you want to sell downloadable products such as ebooks, then you can add e-commerce, SSL, digital delivery, fraud prevention, and online databases to the list. Again, you don’t need to be a programmer; you just need a basic understanding of these technologies. Even if you hire someone else to handle the low-level implementation, it’s important to know what you’re getting into. You need to be able to trust your strategic decisions, and you won’t be able to do that if you’re a General who doesn’t know what a gun is.

A lack of understanding is a major cause of failure in the realm of online income generation. For example, if you’re clueless about search engine optimization (SEO), you’ll probably cripple your search engine rankings compared to someone who understands SEO well. But you can’t consider each technology in isolation. You need to understand the connections and trade-offs between them. Monetizing a blog is a balancing act. You may need to balance the needs of yourself, your visitors, search engines, those who link to you, social bookmarking sites, advertisers, affiliate programs, and others. Seemingly minor decisions like what to title a web page are significant. In coming up with the title of this article, I have to take all of these potential viewers into consideration. I want a title that is attractive to human visitors, drives reasonable search engine traffic, yields relevant contextual ads, fits the theme of the site, and encourages linking and social bookmarking. And most importantly I want each article to provide genuine value to my visitors. I do my best to create titles for my articles that balance these various needs. Often that means abandoning cutesy or clever titles in favor of direct and comprehensible ones. It’s little skills like these that help drive sustainable traffic growth month after month. Missing out on just this one skill is enough to cripple your traffic. And there are dozens of these types of skills that require web savvy to understand, respect, and apply.

This sort of knowledge is what separates the 1% from the 99%. Both groups may work just as hard, but the 1% is getting much better results for their efforts. It normally doesn’t take me more than 60 seconds to title an article, but a lot of experience goes into those 60 seconds. You really just have to learn these ideas once; after that you can apply them routinely.

Whenever you come across a significant web technology you don’t understand, look it up on Google or Wikipedia, and dive into it long enough to acquire a basic understanding of it. To make money from blogging it’s important to be something of a jack of all trades. Maybe you’ve heard the expression, “A jack of all trades is a master of none.” That may be true, but you don’t need to master any of these technologies — you just have to be good enough to use them. It’s the difference between being able to drive a car vs. becoming an auto mechanic. Strive to achieve functional knowledge, and then move on to something else. Even though I’m an experienced programmer, I don’t know how many web technologies actually work. I don’t really care. I can still use them to generate results. In the time it would take me to fully understand one new technology, I can achieve sufficient functional knowledge to apply several of them.

Do you actually want to monetize your blog?

Some people have strong personal feelings with respect to making money from their blogs. If you think commercializing your blog is evil, immoral, unethical, uncool, lame, greedy, obnoxious, or anything along those lines, then don’t commercialize it.

If you have mixed feelings about monetizing your blog, then sort out those feelings first. If you think monetizing your site is wonderful, fine. If you think it’s evil, fine. But make up your mind before you seriously consider starting down this path. If you want to succeed, you must be congruent. Generating income from your blog is challenging enough — you don’t want to be dealing with self-sabotage at the same time. It should feel genuinely good to earn income from your blog — you should be driven by a healthy ambition to succeed. If your blog provides genuine value, you fully deserve to earn income from it. If, however, you find yourself full of doubts over whether this is the right path for you, you might find this article helpful: How Selfish Are You? It’s about balancing your needs with the needs of others.

If you do decide to generate income from your blog, then don’t be shy about it. If you’re going to put up ads, then really put up ads. Don’t just stick a puny little ad square in a remote corner somewhere. If you’re going to request donations, then really request donations. Don’t put up a barely visible “Donate” link and pray for the best. If you’re going to sell products, then really sell them. Create or acquire the best quality products you can, and give your visitors compelling reasons to buy. If you’re going to do this, then fully commit to it. Don’t take a half-assed approach. Either be full-assed or no-assed.

You can reasonably expect that when you begin commercializing a free site, some people will complain, depending on how you do it. I launched this site in October 2004, and I began putting Google Adsense ads on the site in February 2005. There were some complaints, but I expected that — it was really no big deal. Less than 1 in 5,000 visitors actually sent me negative feedback. Most people who sent feedback were surprisingly supportive. Most of the complaints died off within a few weeks, and the site began generating income almost immediately, although it was pretty low — a whopping $53 the first month. If you’d like to see some month-by-month specifics, I posted my 2005 Adsense revenue figures earlier this year. Adsense is still my single best source of revenue for this site, although it’s certainly not my only source. More on that later…

Paid Blogging Websites

  1. 451 Press

    451 press

    451 Press is always looking for bright, talented writers who want to have their voices heard. We are looking for writers with unique voices to contribute to our growing network of blogs. Our blogs cover a wide range of topics. If you have a passion for a subject then we just might have a place for you.

    [FAQ] [Sign Up]

  2. Be A Guide (About.com)

    beaguide about.com

    All About.com Guides are freelancers who work online and set their own schedules, giving them the flexibility to log on from anywhere in the world whenever they have the time. With no timesheets to fill out and no timecards to punch, working for About.com gives you the flexibility to write when you want, even if you have a full-time day job.

    [FAQ] [Sign Up]

  3. BlogBurner


    So here’s how it works:

    • You create an account with us.
    • You create an account with Google Adsense.
    • You login and write content to your "blog" on our site.
    • You try to write as often as you can.
    • We publish your content to our site.
    • We serve ads on the pages that have your content.
    • Half the time you make money on the ads. Half the time we do.

    [FAQ] [Sign Up]

  4. Blog Feast

    We are a blog community that:

    1. Host your blog for free
    2. Provide you with readers and traffic
    3. Serve your Adsense ads 90% of the time
    4. Helps you to make money blogging
    5. Leading you step by step to earn $1,000 a month!

    [FAQ] [Sign Up]

  5. Bloggerwave


    We’ve got advertisers that would like you to write about their products or services. So you do. In your blog. And get paid!

    [FAQ] [Sign Up]

  6. Blogitive


    Once you are approved to the Blogitive system, you are given access to opportunities from companies to post about their news releases. You are paid per posting.

    [FAQ] [Sign Up]

  7. Blogsvertise


    Once approved, your blog goes into the assignment queue. The blogsvertise administrator then assigns writing tasks for what our advertisers want you to mention in your blog.

    [FAQ] [Sign Up]

  8. Blog To Profit


    We connect you with advertisers that are interested in sponsoring your blog, you post to your blog and get paid!

    [FAQ] [Sign Up]

  9. BOTW Media

    botw media

    If you are an experienced writer and/or an avid blogger, can write passionately about a topic, and enjoys working as part of a group, you may be a good candidate for a BOTW Media author.

    [FAQ] [Sign Up]

  10. CreamAid


    Anyone can start using CREAMaid by inserting a CREAMaid Conversation widget inside her post. (more info) Your post will most likely be selected as long as you abide by these rules. Once selected, your post will be syndicated to all the participating posts through their embedded Conversation widgets. When your post is selected, you will be able to instantly collect a royalty
    for your contribution.


  11. Creative Weblogging

    creative blogging

    Get paid to blog with us at Creative Weblogging! We are one of the largest blog networks, with over 135 blogs in five languages.

    [FAQ] [Sign Up]

  12. DayTipper


    If you have a tip that is insightful, helpful, and original, we will publish it and pay you $3 (US). You write the content. We share it with the world.

    [FAQ] [Sign Up]

  13. Digital Journal

    digital journal

    Unlike most websites where bloggers post for free (and the company takes in all the ad revenue), DigitalJournal.com shares a portion of its advertising revenue with all Citizen Journalists. With an always-growing cash pool, every single Citizen Journalist gets a chance to compete for a share of the cash pot. The more you contribute, the more you earn.

    [FAQ] [Sign Up]

  14. Helium


    Earn a share of the advertising money earned here at Helium. If you write well, and write often, you earn even more recognition and reward.

    [FAQ] [Sign Up]

  15. In Blog Ads

    in blog ads

    You’ve been writing about web sites, products, services and companies for years, now you you can also get paid for it. With our system, you get paid for each post request you fulfill.

    [FAQ] [Sign Up]

  16. Link Post of Link Worth


    Unlike some other services, we pay our Partners up to 70% for each LinkPost written. Access to thousands of advertisers hungry for reviews. A variety of payment options. Receive payouts monthly by check, PayPal, direct deposit, or Wire. Automated advertising management. An easy way to sell paid blog posts.

    [FAQ] [Sign Up]

  17. LoudLaunch


    If your blog and interests are aligned with an advertiser’s campaign then you can do your own research and write about them in exchange for pay—not in exchange for a pre-determined outcome but for a fair assessment.

    [FAQ] [Sign Up]

  18. Pay Me To Blog About You

    pay me to blog about you

    Our messaging system allows bloggers and advertisers to negotiate directly with each other instead of working through advertising agencies or middlemen and we provide a secure way of transacting advertising compensation via Paypal.

    [FAQ] [Sign Up]

  19. PayPerPost


    PayPerPost is an incredible new self-service marketplace that allows you to get paid to blog about the products, services and websites you love. You can easily earn $500 per month or more with your current blog!

    [FAQ] [Sign Up]

  20. Review Me

    review me

    Get paid $20 – $200 to review products and services on your site. You control what you review.

    [FAQ] [Sign Up]

  21. Shvoong

    review me

    The more abstracts you post at Shvoong, the more chances to attract readers. Create link to your abstract elsewhere(on blogs, forums, your personal homepage, or other sites). Spread the word by joining our “Invite a friend” and/or “Affiliates” programs, and earn bonuses equivalent to the invite members’ royalties, upto $100 for every new writer.

    [FAQ] [Sign Up]

  22. Smorty


    Get paid for blogging. Write your opinion about peoples products, services and websites on your blog. Get paid weekly.

    [FAQ] [Sign Up]

  23. Sponsored Reviews

    sponsored reviews

    Earn cash by writing honest reviews about our advertiser’s products and services. Write reviews in your own tone and style, and gear them to your audience’s interest.

    [FAQ] [Sign Up]

  24. Squidoo


    Every lens carries Google AdSense ads. Those are used to generate royalties for the whole co-op (ie, everyone gets a cut). If you want to increase your direct royalties, though, you should consider adding commercial modules that the visitors to your lenses will appreciate.

    [FAQ] [Sign Up]

  25. Weblogs Inc

    weblog inc

    Looking to get paid to blog about subjects you love? Tell us what you’re passionate about and let’s find out if there’s a fit!

    [FAQ] [Sign Up]

  26. Wise Bread

    weblog inc

    WiseBread.com is one of the top 5 personal finance blogs. We give our bloggers 100% of the advertising revenue they earn on their blog posts.

    PS: Thanks Fab

    [FAQ] [Sign Up]

  27. b5media

Affiliate Sales Network

Saturday, February 21, 2009


Type: Affiliate Sales Network Program

(middle station between affiliates/associate and the product sellers)

PayDotCom.com, you can sign up easily and a lot like clickbank.com but offers a number of enhancements and unique approaches to affiliate marketing in its own. In particular, vendors can offer an unlimited number of product for a lifetime membership of only US29.00. Vendors only pay a commission once a product is sold and not before, this sound like a good news for seller!

One of the best things about using PayDotCom is that you don’t have to keep dishing out $50 buck every time you want to setup a new product, and your first product is free.

Go to paydotcom.com


Type: Affiliate Sales Network, Online Billing or Payment Gateway.
Clickbank.com is a payment gateway service provider; But it’s more recognized as top ebook and service affiliate sales network because of it’s friendly policy and system for it’s ebook and affiliate program service.

Clickbank.com is great for affiliate marketer who want to sell or resell ebook.
The approval process is instant compare to other affiliate sales network but because of it’s easy process. The challenging part will be … you might need to know which ebook or service is good in order to recommend effectively. For starter, you don’t want to recommend “junk” ebook or service to your visiter just to make some quick buck, you might lose out more for doing that! And the great news is … we have a lot of ebook reviews from clickbank.com here, so you might want to stick around if you like to use clickbank affiliate program:)

We like clickbank.com

because it’s help us to get started quickly, but when you become more serious affiliate marketer, you might want to affiliate with more “branded” service or product in other affiliate sales network(because they might approve you and you are more qualify now). Anyway, clickbank.com is still the best for affiliate marketer for selling ebook or service product! But read our review to find out why we only give 3 stars here.

Go to Clickbank.com now!


Type: Affiliate Sales Network
This is an affiliate program focus to promote 2 tier affiliate program. what is 2 tier affiliate program? It’s a program that recruit other webmasters to help you sell your wares, by paying them for each visitor or sale they bring you. 2-tier is a directory of two tier affiliate programs. It feature a search-able directory of associates, reseller and partner programs.

Go to 2-tier.com now


WidgetBucks is the market leading network of advertising widgets that is evolving the traditional online ad industry into a much richer, more relevant and engaging medium. Founded in October 2007, WidgetBucks serves over 1.5 billion ad impressions each month worldwide and is ranked among the Top 30 ad networks by comScore.

WidgetBucks’ privately-held parent company, Mpire Corporation, was founded in 2005, and is backed by Ignition Partners and Draper Fisher Jurvetson.

For Publishers
WidgetBucks helps thousands of niche publishers and bloggers maximize their site earnings through a proprietary technology called YieldSense™. This smart advertising technology maximizes CPC earnings by automatically analyzing and displaying the highest-yielding product widgets unique to a publisher’s site. Within its ad widgets, WidgetBucks offers performance-based CPC (cost-per-click) units across multiple verticals, including shopping, travel and local, as well as CPM (cost-per-thousand impressions) advertisements.

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Affiliate Programs

List Of Affiliate Program Networks

Commission Junction (CJ) - It’s a must join Affiliate Program Network. You will find amazing branded product to promote here. But, it’s a bit tough to get approver for promoting particular products and not really friendly for beginner if your site don’t have many traffic. They have buy out couple of affiliate program company out there. One of the leaders in this field.

Amazon Associates
- One of the early affiliate program. Recommend or link to Amazon’s products and services and earn up to 4%-7% of the sale price.

ClickBank - Best for beginner to sell digital product. Approve in no time, but beware of the crappy digital product. Over 10,000 digital products and ebook to promote with commissions as high as 75%.

LinkShare - One of the early pioneer in affiliate program. Claim to be one of the most successful pay-for-performance affiliate marketing network. Have 10 million partnership in the network.

ClickXChange - It’s not as big as other affiliate program network, but provide a good alternative for finding good affiliate product to refer here. Provide 50% affiliate commission for advertiser refer. Payout less then $50 will be charge $2 handling fee.

LinkConnector - Affiliate marketing network that have quick and dynamic system that pin point which affiliate program to optimize and offers a zero tolerance fraud policy to assure win-win situation for both parties.

ClixGalore - Access 3 Affiliate network across US, UK and Australia consisting of thousands advertisers for you to choose from.

- Minimum payout is $35. One thing to note here is their large credit card affiliate program there. Even though the credit offer is only available to US citizen but they payout to no US web master too - not like other affiliate network that only restricted to payout their commission to US citizen for referring US credit card affiliate program.

LeadPile - Sell and buy lead Affiliate network. This offer an alternative for affiliate marketing to sell lead (register, fill up form) rather then referring to sell something (action)

incentAclick - A CPA (cost-per-action) affiliate program. We don’t have much information about this affiliate program, it’s claim to be committed for affiliate to make money and have 7 days ROI guarantee.

AdPlosion - Selling your lead, click and affiliate sales for their advertiser. Incentive program available.

AffiliateFuture - Selling your lead, click and affiliate sales.

ThinkAction - Another affiliate program network.

RocketProfit - Another affiliate program network.

CafePress - Sell your personal branded merchandise and all you need it’s a picture file. It’s will handle creating the merchandise and shipping for you.

Affiliate Fuel - At least 2,000 unique visitors a day to qualify as affiliate. Only for US and Canadian Site or 90% US traffic for consideration.

Avangate - Affiliate program for selling software.

- Affiliate program special for Casino. Minimum payout are $200.

- Forex( Currency Exchange ) Online Affiliate program. Have first tie affiliate program, 2-tier affiliate program and share revenue.

Advertising Network &Publisher Programs

AdSense - Google pay-per-click provider. The leader in the industry. Make anywhere from $0.01 to $5.00 plus per click on site relevant ads. You can read about our more detail AdSense review here.

Text-Link-Ads - Text Link Advertisement. There are some requirements to meet. Pay very well if you have high google page rank and alexa traffic. They pay you 50% of the sale price for each text link sold on your website. You can read more about our text-link-ads review here.

Bidvertiser - Work like adsense, but main advantage is they pay out once it’s reach $10 compare to $100. You can read more about our detail bidvertiser review here.

LinkWorth - If you notice, linkworth is also listed in the definitive list for paid blogging network. Linkworth have paid blogging and couple interesting advertisement program such as text based advertisements and sponsored ads.

AdBrite - Offer text ads, banner ads and interstitials ads and etc. You can approve or reject any ads purchased for your sites.

Chitika - Chitika offer couple of advertising option for publisher. Our favor is eMiniMalls.

Yahoo Publisher Network - They pay out every month once you reach your minimum earning $50 - $100. Yahoo pay you using Paypal, Check, Direct Deposit or Yahoo search engine marketing account.

OneMonkey - Another text based advertising program. Keep 80% revenue is the main selling point here.

CrispAds - Access to advertisers in their ads and pay-per-click program. When sponsors do not buy your ad space CrispAds will fill it with pay-per-click graphical ads or pay-per-click text ads that pay you everytime someone clicks on an ad.

AzoogleAds - Performance base advertisement program. They paid only when visitor buy rather then click. Azoolge is more well know in the affiliate world.

BulletAds - Like AzoogleAds, A performance based advertising program. They pay out the affiliates on a monthly basis.

ROIRocket - Performance base advertising program.

Feedburner - It’s better know in helping you to keep track of your RSS reader and blog statistic, but it’s also have an RSS advertisement program. It’s require certain number of RSS readers before you qualify for the RSS advertisement program.

MediaFed - Work like feedburner, but you need to email them to participate. Just like feedburner, you are allow to place advertisements in your blog’s RSS feed.

Qumana - Work a bit different. You need to download the Quman tools and key in some keywords to generate ads code. And then you embeds ads code directly into your blog posts. Ads will show up in your blog post.

TargetPoint - Contextually text and image ads network. Their advertiser including not only the United States, England, Germany and France, but also Latin America, Japan, Hungary and Poland.

IndustryBrains - Contextually text and image ads network. Contexually text ads work like adsense. Advertiser are able to bid for the ads link price.

ThankYouPages - This advertisement program only apply to those site that require user to sign up. How it work is when user sign up your site, ThankYouPage will collect demography data in your sign up page and show up the most relevant ads in your thank you page. Another things to note here is majority of user must be from U.S.

Tribal Fusion - Minimum 2,000 visitor per day visitor for applying to participate in the network. They offer a dedicated account manager service, free ad-serving technology and reliable payments with a 55% payout.

- To apply, your site must have at least 5,000 page view per day. Inline Text Links, Text Banners, In-page Graphical Banner, Pop-Unders, XML Feeds, Layer Ads, and Search box.

AdsMarket - Payout weekly. Image Ads and will match your traffic to advertiser.

AdKnowledge - Pay per click advertising program. The service include outsourcing ad inventory, either in part or in its entirety. And it work with e-mail, web and search engine inventory.

Yes Advertising - Ads include Pop-under advertising, CPC Contextual Advertising, Email Marketing, PPC Marketing, Banner Advertising and Layer Ads. Also offers a referral program.

RevenuePilot - Pay-for-performance and pay-per-click advertising program. RevenuePilot affiliates receive 60% of what advertisers pay per each click.

SearchFeed - Banner Ads and integrates paid advertisements into your site’s search feature.

Pheedo - RSS feeds advertising program. Pay by check or PayPal. Payments will be send out approximately ninety (90) days after the end of each calendar month that ads are running on your site and/or in your feeds if your account balance is $50 or more.

ValueClick - To apply you need to have 3,000 impressions per month. Have couple of advertisement option such as displaying banner ads, in-stream media and pop-unders. Payout monthly and they also have referral program.

BlogAds - Very old fashion way to put your ads in your blog. You will need get sponsored by someone in the blogads network in order to apply to participate in their blog network. They will pay your around $50 and above a month for the ads.

- You need to contact their sales representative to sign up. Even though there is option for website that have traffic less then 100k per month, DoubleClick is definitely for corporate and media network. Offers a full suite of products for publishers that enable you to forecast, sell inventory, serve ads and analyze campaigns online and through other digital channels.

Vibrant Media - Text contextual based advertisements program. To qualify, your website must receive a minimum of 500,000 page views so it’s only work best for large site.

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